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St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd, Belfast

We are a Rights Respecting Community who are committed to actively promoting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Ligoniel


Around the year 1850, the villages of Ligoniel and Wolfhill were in St. Patrick's Parish. The parishioners had to walk from this area into the city centre for Mass, no matter the weather! These mountain people were hardy and full of faith.

In 1851 the Society of St Vincent de Paul bought a site in Ligoniel, and the next year constructed a school at the cost of £370. A lot of money in the mid 1800's! Thirteen years later, the Bishop of the Diocese had this school building converted to a church, and the Parish of Saint Vincent de Paul was born.

Parish Information and Mass times can be found by following the link below.